At Majlis Resort, we offer an array of amenities and facilities for our guests and the visitors that include well-furnished rooms, well maintained pools, world class restaurant, fully stocked bars, kid’s club, wellness center, and a lot more. Apart from this, our kite school is situated on Shela beach which is counted amongst the most ideal spots for kitesurfing in Kenya and ranked among the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world. Reaching to the kite spot from the hotel take only 5 minutes by boat and can be arranged at all times. Our school offers the latest and state-of-the-art kite equipment with an experienced teacher on duty all day long. The spot is very wide and quiet, making learning easier and safer both for beginners, intermediate, and advanced riders. The location has a sandy bottom with no corrals and there is good wind all year long; over 70% of the year there are 12-20 knots. Our hotel is the best place for kitesurfing in Kenya as from July till the end of September, the wind blows every day from early morning till sunset. From the end of November until end of May, the wind blows from 11:00 am and keeps blowing till late afternoon. We offer one of the best and the latest 2014 North Kiteboarding equipment and an assortment of kite sizes and boards including race boards. If you want to involve in more active activities, then our watersport center also provides a choice of windsurfs, SUP, wakeboards, and kayaks. We offer different courses available which are suited to all needs, whether you’re a complete rookie and wish to try kite surfing for the very first time, or an professional rider who is looking to enhance your skills to even more advanced level. Besides this, our resort is surrounded by an idyllic beach from where you can heard the mesmerizing sound of the waves lapping against the shore of the Indian Ocean. Our restaurant offers the most delicious and mouth watering cuisines from across the world prepared by highly professional and talented chefs. For further information about our boutique hotel, you can visit
The Majlis Resort – One Of The Finest East Africa Resorts In Kenya
At Majlis Resort, we have an extensive assortment of facilities and amenities for our guests and the visitors that include well maintained pools, well-furnished rooms, fully stocked bars, world class restaurant, wellness center, kid’s club, and a lot more. We have highly experienced staff right at your service to make your stay comfortable, memorable, and enjoyable. We also enable our visitors to enjoy a wide range of exciting activities including fishing, boat and mainland safaris, cultural excursions, boat excursions, snorkeling, scenic flights, water sports, etc. You can visit our Lamu Island beach resort for personal reason such as vacation with family or friends, or professional concerns such as corporate meetings with company clients and executives. The Majlis Resort is ranked as one of the best hotel amongst the East Africa resorts in the Lamu archipelago, Kenya. Our hotel is a perfect place that is suitable for organizing reception parties, beach wedding, renewing marriage vows, honeymoons, safari beach holidays, etc. We have also have a place for your Kids which is called the Kid’s Club. Children of every age are welcome here, as we promise to amuse and entertain them with numerous types games and activities. The Majlis Resorts is a must-visit destination on the trip to Africa. We are counted amongst the best beach resorts in Africa where you can enjoy your stay in a peaceful setting, relax at the sun drenched beaches, and create lifetime memories with your family or friends. This location is away from the hustle and bustle of city life, which allows you to relax in a peaceful setting. People from all across the world come to our boutique hotel to rejuvenate and relax, and also to escape from their fatiguing city life. We are one of the leading hotel amongst the East Africa resorts. Our resort provides amazing views of the seafront over the Ras Kitau bay and the Shela village. Our boutique hotel is surrounded by an idyllic beach from where the pleasing sound of the waves lapping against the shore of the Indian Ocean can be heard and felt. Our restaurant provides the most delicious and mouth watering cuisines from around the world cooked by highly professional and talented chef’s. For further information about our boutique hotel, you can visit
The Majlis Resort Offers Luxurious Beach Holidays To Kenya
Popular travel website featured The Majlis Resort for providing excellent services to visitors. The website published good reviews and alerts for prospective visitors who wish to take up a vacation to Kenya. Trip Advisor ranks The Majlis Resort as the number #1 resort, out of 10 hotels present in Lamu, Kenya. It also shows a number of excellent reviews received from past clients on its services and hospitality. In addition to that, The Majlis Resort was also featured on the cover page, and inside section of ‘Hotel & Lodge’ on its August-September 2011 issue. The magazine caters to a variety of travelers who likes to know and explore new places for travelling across the world. Hotels are ranked on the magazine with respect to the kind of services, infrastructure and hospitality they offer. For getting the best beach holidays Kenya, it rates The Majlis Resort exceptionally. The Majlis Resort was established in 2009 and is located at the most beautiful settings away from the chaos of cities. It offers a private and secluded ambience to the visitors, in addition to offering every kind of luxury and convenience. It is regarded as one of the best options for availing beach holidays Kenya. Celebrities and international travelers from across the globe come to this resort to spend their holidays and spend their time. Many past visitors of the hotel have written excellent reviews on Trip Advisor in favor of the resort for beach holidays Kenya About The Majlis Resort Idyllic, luxurious, stylish, unique, …the Majlis resort is a privately-owned luxury beach hotel on the north coast of Kenya in the Indian ocean. Designed and built to reflect Lamu’s heritage tradition, The Majlis combines 25 superbly appointed luxury air-conditioned suites built with Western comforts and local tradition. State-of-the-art facilities include two bars, a gourmet restaurant, two swimming pools and an activity center which graciously co-ordinates a wide variety of full day experiences for you.
The Majlis Resort Offers Exquisite Place To Vacation In Lamu Archipelago Kenya
The Majlis Resort offers an exquisite vacationing opportunity in the beautiful and stunning lands of Kenya. The resort offers an opportunity to the travelers and visitors to stay in pure comfort and luxury during their stay and experience a fantastic vacation at the best of settings at the resort. It is located at the gorgeous settings of Manda with a backdrop of exotic white sand beaches which makes it a perfect spot to celebrate any given occasion. It is also the best spot for tourists who come to Lamu Archipelago Kenya to relax and find peace from the hustle and bustle of a city. Many explorers have visited it to invigorate and experience its untouched beauty and nature. It is also fit to celebrate events such as gatherings, living, engagements, weddings, and honeymoons, etc. Situated next to Lamu Archipelago Kenya, an off coast site to Kenya, it speaks volumes about the beauty and authenticity of Africa. The resort is made with a beautiful architectural design which is exceptional and made by using natural and environment friendly materials which features local naturally sourced resources. Established in 2009, it marks world-class infrastructure for the comfort and luxury of visitors at the best of settings. It is also popular among international celebrities and travelers. Additionally, it was also featured in the edition of August-September 2011 ‘Hotel & Lodge’ on the main page which rates it exceptionally for its décor, surroundings, and ambience. ‘Hotel & Lodge’ is a leading magazine which features exceptional resorts and hotels across the globe for their superiority. About The Majlis Resort Idyllic, luxurious, stylish, unique, …the Majlis resort is a privately-owned luxury beach hotel on the north coast of Kenya in the Indian ocean. Designed and built to reflect Lamu’s heritage tradition, The Majlis combines 25 superbly appointed luxury air-conditioned suites built with Western comforts and local tradition. State-of-the-art facilities include two bars, a gourmet restaurant, two swimming pools and an activity center which graciously co-ordinates a wide variety of full day experiences for you.
The Majlis Resort – One Of The Idyllic Kenya Beach Resorts
Founded in 2009, The Majlis Resorts serves as an ideal place for people willing to spend their vacations in a calm and tranquil setting. One of the best Kenya beach resorts, it offers travelers a chance to explore the culture of Africa, while staying in a comfortable and luxurious accommodation. Situated at the Manda Island, Lamu (Kenya), it allows visitors to spend their holidays at the beautiful settings of Manda, which has an exquisite backdrop of exotic white sand beaches. The resort provides guests to enjoy the beautiful seafront views of Shela Village and the Ras Kitau bay, which makes it a perfect spot for celebrating any occasion. The Majlis Resort is one of the most stylish, unique, idyllic and luxurious Kenya beach resorts. It is highly preferred by travelers who are in search for a relaxing atmosphere, away from their busy city life. It has gained huge popularity among vacationers around the globe, owing to its top-notch services and facilities. In order to provide its guest with a comfortable and rejuvenating stay, the Majlis provides them with a wide range of first class facilities including a terrace and pool bar, gourmet restaurant, kid’s club, and two pools. The Majlis provides travelers from around the world the chance to explore and experience the pleasure of staying at the untouched natural backdrops of Kenya’s Lamu archipelago, off the north coast. The Majlis serves as an ideal destination for celebrating events, organizing gatherings, engagements, get-togethers, honeymoons, as well as for corporate meetings and events. Being one of the luxurious Kenya beach resorts, The Majlis Resort was featured in the main page of the August-September 2011 edition of ‘Hotel & Lodge’, a leading magazine that features some of the bets resorts and hotels across the globe for their superiority. This magazine has rated The Majlis exceptionally well for its décor, surroundings, and ambience. In order to make its guests’ stay satisfying and enjoyable, the Majlis provides them with the best of services and facilities, along with a world-class infrastructure. In addition to being an ideal destination to enjoy a family holiday, it serves as a perfect spot for enjoying one’s honeymoon. Furthermore, it also arranges for weddings on the beach or the mangrove pontoon. For more information about the resort and the services offered, please browse through
Lamu e le sue sorelle un mare di mangrovie
LAMU le cime delle mangrovie appaiono e scompaio dall’acqua come per incanto. Bastano poche ore perché il ciclo delle maree trasformi il paesaggio dell’arcipelago. E colto dalla barca questo sembra un effetto speciale. Lamu: costa nord del Kenya quasi al confine con la Somalia, lontana anni luce dalla celebre Malindi, c’è un pezzo d’Africa (cultura swahili, religione musulmana) che non t’aspetti. Spiagge bianche disseminate di frammenti di corallo (bianco), e isole (quattro le principali: Lamu, Manda, Pate, Kiwaiyu) piazzate nell’Oceano Indiano rese uniche dal via vai di dhow a vela — e da un ritmo così lento da sembrare irreale. Nelle stradine della città vecchia di Lamu, Patrimonio Unesco, dopo mercanti turchi, arabi e esploratori portoghesi oggi sono arrivati gli europei: comprano e ristrutturano case cubiche con giardini segreti, nate con “mattoni” di profumato corallo bianco arrivato dal mare, porte di legno scolpite da secoli di abilità locale (di derivazione yemenita) e tetti di fibra di palma sospesi sulle mura perimetrali come pagode. Tra i vicoli avanzano gli asinelli, trecento in tutta l’isola, che hanno l’onore di avere un ospedale a loro dedicato e l’onere di trasportare tutto il trasportabile. Oltre alla main street, pomposamente detta, dove sbarcano i turisti (e dove si affacciano un piccolo museo, qualche albergo e molte case), c’è un mare che cambia colore ogni momento. È lo stesso mare che bagna, poco più avanti, il villaggio di Shela: all’interno le piccole gallerie d’arte keniota, i vicoli, le mura candide, lo struscio di donne velate e variopinte; all’esterno (ovvero con vista sulla costa) una sequenza di discrete ville nel verde di banani e palme, lussuose: quella della principessa Caroline di Monaco è l’ultima della fila. Di natura più selvaggia lo spettacolo che si apre sulla grande isola di fronte a Lamu: Manda, separate dalla sorella da un braccio di mare stretto. Si attraversa con una bella nuotata e, in inverno, non è raro avere la fortuna di accompagnarsi a qualche delfino. È all’interno di Manda che si trovano le rovine di Takwa, un antico villaggio Swahili che ha più o meno seicento anni (da scoprire in bicicletta) e la foresta di mangrovie del canale che taglia in due l’isola. Il silenzio che accompagna il breve viaggio in kayak tra fogliame e acqua verde è interrotto da mille versi irriconoscibili, piccoli uccelli ma anche cicogne appollaiate sui rami bassi. Dietro l’angolo, anzi dietro l’insenatura, si apre una spiaggia candida dove abita l’elegante Majlis Resort che ospita pochi fortunati esploratori di un tratto d’isola dove la sabbia e il cielo basso del Kenya sembrano mescolarsi, soprattutto quando il tramonto lascia ai generatori elettrici il compito di illuminare questo lembo di terra dove la mondanità è bandita così come le auto. C’è un’aria magica ad accompagnare serate senza tv, un cielo con una cascata di stelle tutto l’anno e un clima caldo a dispetto delle stagioni che si rincorrono. L’isola più “estrema” dell’arcipelago è piccola piccola. Si chiama Manda Toto e si offre solo a chi arriva in barca. Non c’è nulla che regali ospitalità notturna, non c’è acqua, mentre granchi di tutti i colori e tutte le dimensioni ne hanno fatto la propria residenza; alberi bassi circondano infinite strisce di spiaggia come una sontuosa corona verde: uno show. Ancora più difficile l’impatto con Pate, l’isola più a nord dell’arcipelago che accoglie i dhow come una benedizione. Nessuna concessione estetica al turismo: duemilacinquecento abitanti e i banana che delimitano vicoli sterrati Si coltiva un po’ di tabacco, si vive di pesca, artigianato del legno e poco altro. C’è un palazzo reale di uno sceicco che nel 1600 aveva fatto edificare qui la sua dimora, qualche pietra (bella e abbandonata) di una grande moschea di cui si può solo intuire la magnificenza. C’è un importante sito archeologico a Shanga nella zona sud della grande isola. E poi ancora il mare, che s’insinua tra le mangrovie e cambia a ogni marea.
Enjoy A Family Vacation In Kenya At The Majlis Resort
The Majlis Resort is a luxury beach resort located on Manda Island, an island which forms part of the Lamu Archipelago, off the north coast of Kenya. The Majlis offers stunning seafront views of Shela Village and the Ras Kitau bay, and is a perfect place for people looking to spend a family vacation in Kenya. This finest luxury beach resort in Kenya provides its guests with top-notch services and facilities, with an aim at offering an enjoyable, comfortable and rejuvenating vacation. Located in a unique setting, the Majlis offers its guests stunning facilities like the terrace and pool bars, the gourmet restaurant, the kid’s club, the Majlis and Villa Kusi pools. In order to help guests enjoy a relaxing family holiday in a beautiful setting, The Majlis Resort is organized to offer the most comfortable and luxurious accommodation. By providing its guests with world-class services and facilities, the Majlis Resort strives to offer its guests an unforgettable family vacation in Kenya. In addition to family holidays, the Majlis also serves as an ideal place to spend your honeymoon in Kenya. Furthermore, the resort also arranges for weddings on the beach or your favorite spot within the Majlis. The resort also offers a range of flexible services in order to meet the needs of its guests, including flower arrangements, professional photographers and any other special request. For people who wish to enjoy their honeymoon or family vacation in Kenya, The Majlis Resort is the perfect place for them. About The Majlis Resorts Idyllic, luxurious, stylish, unique, …the Majlis resort is a privately owned luxury beach hotel on the north coast of Kenya in the Indian Ocean. Designed and built to reflect Lamu’s heritage tradition, The Majlis combines 25 superbly appointed luxury air-conditioned suites built with Western comforts and local tradition. State-of-the-art facilities include two bars, a gourmet restaurant, two swimming pools and an activity center which graciously co-ordinates a wide variety of full day experiences such as boat excursions, boat & mainland safaris, fishing, snorkeling and water sports, cultural excursions and scenic flights. For more details about the Majlis resort or Lamu Island, please visit our website at
The Majlis Resort Is Rated One Of The Beach Resorts In Kenya
The Majlis Resort offers a comfortable option to travelers visiting Kenya on luxury lodging and boarding. Considered as one of the best beach resorts in Kenya, it provides wonderful vacationing opportunities and special offers to its visitors. Located on the private and beautiful settings of Manda Island in the Lamu Archipelago, The Majlis resort allows visitors to enjoy their stay surrounded by magnificent white sand beaches and exquisite backdrop. The location of the resort makes it one of the finest tourist locations in Africa to spend quality time with family, friends or business associates. The Majlis is also highly rated to celebrate any occasion- personal or business, away from city life. Many famous personalities and celebrities in search of solace and peace also frequently visit this resort. The Majlis Resort is rated as a top class beach resorts in Kenya by many prestigious travel magazines and websites. It is rated exceptionally as it offers untouched and natural backdrops. Visitors also choose it for celebrating events such as gatherings, engagements, get-togethers, events, honeymoons, etc. Located right next to Lamu Island and off the north coast of Kenya, it offers spellbound beauty, unique cultural experience and authenticity of Africa. The resort is an architectural marvel as its design speaks volumes about co existence of nature and humans. The Majlis is made by using natural, indigenous and environment friendly materials sourced locally and naturally. Established in 2009, the Majlis resort marks world-class infrastructure for the luxury and comfort of visitors at the best of settings. The feedbacks and reviews received by the place are also excellent. The Majlis was featured in ‘Hotel & Lodge’ on the cover page and in a special column, which compared and rated its ambience, décor, and impression excellently well. Additionally, rates it excellently with a 4.5 stars rating and ranks the Majlis has the number one hotel in Lamu. About The Majlis Resort Idyllic, luxurious, stylish, unique, …the Majlis resort is a privately owned luxury beach hotel on the north coast of Kenya in the Indian Ocean. Designed and built to reflect Lamu’s heritage tradition, The Majlis combines 25 superbly appointed luxury air-conditioned suites built with Western comforts and local tradition. State-of-the-art facilities include two bars, a gourmet restaurant, two swimming pools and an activity center which graciously co-ordinates a wide variety of full day experiences for you.
Stay At The Best Beach Resorts In Kenya By The Majlis Resort
The Majlis Resort is one of the best beach resorts in Kenya where visitors can spend their time vacationing in its beautiful settings. It offers the best to travelers as they can stay at comfort and luxury during their stay in Kenya. Additionally, visitors can experience a fantastic vacation at the beautiful settings of Manda Island, which offers an exquisite backdrop of exotic white sand beaches. Its location makes it the perfect spot to celebrate any occasion. The beach resorts in Kenya are considered the finest for tourists as they can find solace here away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Travelers from around the world come to experience the delight of the untouched natural backdrops of the Lamu archipelago and the Majlis resort. Moreover, the place is ideal for celebrating events, gatherings, engagements, get-togethers, honeymoons, etc. The Majlis Resort is located in the Ras Kitau Bay of Manda Island, right next to Lamu Island, off coast to Kenya. Among many beach resorts in Kenya, the Lamu archipelago and the Majlis stand out. Lamu is the oldest town in Kenya and a UNESCO World Heritage Site while the Majlis is the only luxury hotel in the area offering air-conditioning with 5 star accommodation and services. The Majlis is made with brilliant architectural designs that are exceptional and made by using natural and environment friendly materials sourced locally. The resort was established in 2009 and it marks world-class infrastructure for the comfort and luxury of visitors at the best of settings. Many international celebrities and travelers from around the globe book at the resort during their stay in Kenya. The Majlis received many positive feedbacks and reviews since it’s opening. More recently, Fodor’s, the leading name in travel guides, announced that The Majlis has been recognized as a 2011 Fodor’s 100 Hotels selection. This distinction designates The Majlis as an outstanding hotel as selected by Fodor’s editors and travel experts, highlighting excellent service and stylish accommodations that make every stay unforgettable. Of all beach resorts in Kenya, the Majlis was the only beach resort that won this award. ‘Hotel & Lodge’ also recently featured the Majlis on its Aug- Sep 2011 edition for its excellent décor, surroundings and ambience. Furthermore, Trip Advisor rates the Majlis excellently with 4.5 stars and ranks first among all hotels in Lamu. About The Majlis Resort Idyllic, luxurious, stylish, unique, …the Majlis resort is a privately owned luxury beach hotel on the north coast of Kenya in the Indian Ocean. Designed and built to reflect Lamu’s heritage tradition, The Majlis combines 25 superbly appointed luxury air-conditioned suites built with Western comforts and local tradition. State-of-the-art facilities include two bars, a gourmet restaurant, two swimming pools and an activity center which graciously co-ordinates a wide variety of full day experiences for you.
The Majlis Resorts – Ideal Destination For Beach Holidays Kenya
Located in the Lamu Archipelago off the Kenyan coast, The Majlis Resort is a perfect reflection of the beauty and authenticity of East Africa. Opened in late 2009, the resort is composed of 25 rooms and suites constructed by using natural and environment friendly materials. The Majlis serves as an ideal destination for spending beach holidays Kenya, as it marks a world-class infrastructure that ensures to provide its guests with a comfortable and luxurious holiday experience. The Majlis and the Lamu Archipelago are the perfect place for people who wish to enjoy a fantastic vacation in a beautiful setting. It gives visitors a chance to unfold the beauty of Manda Island which has a stunning backdrop of exotic white sand beaches. The Majlis Resort is the perfect destination for travelers who wish to enjoy relaxing beach holidays Kenya and are in search for solace, away from the hustle bustle of the city life. People from across the world visit this luxurious beach resort to experience the delight of staying at the untouched natural backdrops. The Majlis has been recognized as a 2011 Fodor’s 100 Hotels selection. This distinction designates The Majlis as an outstanding hotel as selected by Fodor’s editors and travel experts, highlighting excellent service and stylish accommodations that make every stay unforgettable. The Majlis Resort is widely popular for providing its guests with world-class services and facilities. From providing a comfortable accommodation, to a terrace and pool bar, gourmet restaurant, and kid’s club, the Majlis has everything that a traveler would require to enjoy rejuvenating beach holidays Kenya. This beautiful beach resort in Kenya perfectly defines the culture and uniqueness of Africa, and serves as an ideal location for corporate meetings, special events, weddings, honeymoon and even for renewing your marriage vows. The Majlis offers customized services that are designed to meet the personal requirements of every guest. If you wish to enjoy your vacation at one of the best beach resorts in Kenya, book your accommodation at The Majlis now. In order to ensure your convenience, the hotel also offers a facility for online reservations. For more details, please visit