The Majlis is a privately owned boutique hotel nestled in the pristine white sands of the Kenyan North coastline. It is considered among the best beach hotel in Kenya because it offers personalized services to meet the needs of its guests. The Majlis has 25 well-decorated rooms and suites, each of which features large windows, king size beds, linen bedding, roll down net, lavish bathrooms and private verandas. All the rooms are fully air-conditioned and have a terrace offering panoramic view of the beach, garden, swimming pool and the Indian Ocean. The rooms and suites are segregated into three villas. Overlooking the Indian Ocean, the Majlis Resort serves as a perfect getaway for people who want to relax, recreate and rejuvenate in the lap of nature somewhere near the blue Indian Ocean waters. The Majlis is a serene and an elegant boutique beach hotel in Kenya that is best known for its spectacular natural surroundings. It offers a variety of services including wellness, arts & crafts, sports, Swahili culture and environmentally conscious excursions. The guests can engage themselves in numerous fun-filled activities like kayaking, sailing trips by dhow, deep-sea fishing, paddle surfing, windsurfing, waterskiing and full moon dhow cruises. Located on Ras Kitau Bay in Manda Island, the Majlis is one of the finest beach hotels in Kenya and reflects the beauty and traditions of East Africa. It is an idyllic and luxurious boutique hotel that is situated in the Lamu Archipelago, off the north coast of Kenya. The Majlis Resort has two bars and a restaurant that enables the guests to relish excellent cuisine including International, Italian and Swahili delicacies. The architecture of the entire resort is excellent and the interiors are aesthetically appealing. The Majlis has two well-managed and well-maintained pools that offer spectacular views of the sea overlooking Shela village and the Ras Kitau bay. These pools are built amid native palm and acacia trees where the guests can enjoy an array of light snacks and refreshing drinks. The Majlis is a famous beach hotel in Kenya, which has been constructed using environment friendly materials. It possesses a high class and unique infrastructure. The Majlis is built in a beautiful setting and gives its guest a chance to unfold the beauty of its surroundings including exotic beaches. For more details, visit
Mosaico d’Africa – 10 cose da fare/vedere/comprare:
PRIMA Il paese: attraversato dall’Equatore, lambito dal meraviglioso mare dell’Oceano Indiano. Il clima: seppur l’alta stagione turistica va da gennaio a febbraio, il periodo che va da giugno a settembre è considerato stagione di passaggio con clima secco. Fuso orario: due ore Avanti rispetto all’Italia. Documenti: occorre essere munity di visto d’ingresso, che consente un periodo di permanenza fino a tre mesi. Il visto può essere ottenuto sia prima della partenza rivolgendosi alla sezione consolare dell’Ambasciata del Kenya in Italia (tel. 06 808 2714) sia al momento dell’arrivo, direttamente in aeroporto. Il passaporto dovrà avere una validità di almeno sei mesi. Come arrivare: quasi tutte le compagnie di linea volano sulla capitale, Nairobi; con i diversi collegamenti interni è possible raggiungere Mombasa, Malindi. La compagnia di bandiera è la Kenya Airways, con voli diretti da Londra e Parigi, Muoversi: date le lunghe distanze, il modo più veloce, economic e sicuro per coprirle è l’aereo; ci sono diversi collegamenti giornalieri tra Nairobi e Mombasa, Malindi, Lamu e i parchi e reserve nazionali. Lingua: esistono più di settanta tribù tra gli africani del Kenya. L’inglese e lo swahili vengono insegnati in tutto il paese, ma esistono molte altre lingue tribali, tra cui il kikuyu, il luhia, il luo. Valuta: Scellino kenyota (KSh) Da sapere: tra luglio e agosto, milioni e milioni di goffe antilopi si spostano in massa dal Serengeti alla ricerca di pascoli più verdi, per poi dirigersi nuovamente verso sud intorno al mese di ottobre. Il luogo migliore per osservare il fenomeno è il parco di Masai Mara. Da mettere in valigia: binocolo e cappello. Link: Ente del Turismo del Kenya, • DURANTE Dormire: Joy’s Camp, Cottar’s Camp 1920, massima intimità ed esclusività in questo campo tendato che si fregia di alcune tra le migliori guide locali, Lion in the Sun Resort & Thalaspa, uno dei più esclusivi della costa settentrionale, dove la decisa impronta africana si fonde con influenze arabe e indiane, Rusinga Island Lodge, The Majlis Resort, sull’isola di Manda, a Julian Schnabel è stato affidato il progetto: 25 sistemazioni dai soffitti alti, con travi a vista, colori tenui e rilassanti, arredi ricavati da legno intarsiato a mano e una meravigliosa vista sull’Oceano Indiano, The Sands at Chale Island, su un’isola privata che si raggiunge con una breve traversata in barca dal villaggio di Diani, a sud di Mombasa. Fiore all’occhiello del resort è il centro diving, chiamato The Crab, con attrezzatura per fare immersioni e anche per vedere gli squali balena, White Elephant Resort, sulla bellissima spiaggia del Marine Park di Malindi, si può scegliere tra una delle suite o optare per la libertà e la riservatezza di uno degli appartamenti, il tutto circondato da opere d’arte, vero leit motiv del resort; il ristorante sulla spiaggia per cene a lume di candela assaporando la cucina dello chef, che mescola tradizione italiana e locale, con piatti di pesce fresco e frutta tropicale. 10 cose da fare/vedere/comprare: Masai Mara, è la prosecuzione del Serengeti National Park, in Tanzania: assieme vantano la più alta concentrazione faunistica dell’Africa orientale. È chiamato così per la popolazione che lo abita, i Masai, e per il fiume che lo attraversa, il Mara. Grande Migrazione, avviene tra giugno e luglio, quando oltre un milione di gnu e di erbivori, infatti, si spostano tutti insieme alla ricerca di pascoli più verdi, per tornare nuovamente a sud intorno al mese di ottobre. Il luogo migliore per osservare il fenomeno è il parco di Masai Mara. Avvistare i Big Five, ovvero leone, leopardo, rinoceronte, elefante e bufalo. Lamu, piccolo paradiso tropicale dove spiagge bianche e sconfinate si alternano a piantagioni di cocco e mango. Dhow, tipica imbarcazione utilizzata dalla popolazione locale, con cui andare alla scoperta della barriera corallina. Watamu, tranquillo villaggio, ideale per gli appassionati di snorkeling e immersioni, qui è stato infatti istituito un Parco Nazionale Marino. Nyama choma, ossia carne alla griglia, è il piatto nazionale kenyota, ma soprattutto sulla costa la vera delizia è il pesce fresco, un trionfo di gamberi, granchi, crostacei. Arcipelago di Funzi Keys, un dedalo di canali, lagune, lingue di sabbia e foreste di mangrovie dove nidificano centinaia di uccelli. E appena sotto il pelo dell’acqua, si ammirano 45 varietà di coralli, abitate da più di 250 specie di pesci di barriera. Mongolfiera, alcuni lodge offrono l’esperienza del viaggio in mongolfiera da cui godere una splendid e silenziosa vista sul parco del Serengeti. Macchina fotografica, oggetto indispensabile durante i safari, per immortalare gli animali all’interno del loro habitat naturale e cogliere i vividi colori della savana al tramonto. • DOPO Leggere: Karen Blixen, La mia Africa, un romanzo autobiografico dove la scrittrice trasmette tutto il suo amore per questa terra.
Mosaico d’Africa
Dentro i confini di uno stesso stato, troverete savane ricche di animali selvaggi, spiagge e barriere coralline dall’inviolata bellezza, foreste equatoriali e maestose montagne dalle cime innevate, deserti roventi e altipiani accarezzati dal vento. Il Kenya è un concentrato d’Africa, da esplorare e da vivere nella sua miriade di sfaccettature. La prima notte a Nairobi è solo un assaggio d’Africa. Per scoprire i suoni, i colori e le emozioni che affascinarono Karen Blixen bisogna spingersi verso il bush, nella splendida savana kenyiota. Finalmente in safari: prima tappa la Shaba National Reserve, il cui nome deriva dal suo monte vulcanico ormai estinto. Con guide esperte, il viaggio è un continuo avvistamento: elefanti, bufali, zebre di Grant, gazzelle, impala, orici, ghepardi, leopardi, leoni, coccodrilli, ippopotami, la zebra di Grevy, la giraffa reticolata e alcune specie di uccelli tipici della zona come lo gherenuc. è una continua emozione. Si dorme in un campo tendato, tra i più eleganti il leggendario Joy’s Camp, vicino alle reserve Samburu & Buffalo: non un posto qualsiasi, ma un luogo che esprime tuttora l’anima dei suoi fondatori, George e Joy Adamson, due persone che hanno dedicato la loro vita ai felini della savana, raccogliendo poi la loro storia in un libro Born Free. All’imbrunire, dalla propria veranda, si osserva il sole accendersi di rosso fuoco, davanti agli occhi le terre desertiche, nelle orecchie i suoni indistinti del ritiro degli uccelli, e il pensiero va a questa terra così difficile ma così capace di dare emozioni uniche e ricordi indelebili. Il campo organizza anche safari in notturna: provare gli appostamenti in luoghi segreti e osservare da lontano il ghepardo nel suo ambiente naturale è senz’altro una di quelle occasioni da non perdere. L’avventura prosegue, alla volta della Masai Mara National Reserve, il parco principale e più celebre del Kenya, ai confini con quello del Serengeti, con cui crea un unico ecosistema. Il nome della riserva deriva dal popolo Masai, che qui abita diverse pianure e di cui si ha occasione di conoscere cultura e tradizioni visitandone i villaggi. Qui vivono branchi di leoni, i cheetah (ghepardi), gli ippopotami, gli elefanti e specie rare e protette come il rinoceronte bianco. E ancora antilopi, iene, babbuini, giraffe, zebre, impala. Basta soltanto appostarsi nei pressi del fiume e godersi lo spettacolo. Si dorme nella leggenda allo storico Cottar’s Camp 1920: il fondatore, Charles, fu uno dei più grandi cacciatori di tutti i tempi. Sembra davvero di rivivere l’atmosfera degli albori dell’attività safari dei primi del ‘900. E dopo una giornata passata a osservare la natura – sperando di aver avuto la fortuna di avvistare anche i cosiddetti Big Five, i cinque animali selvaggi che ognuno vorrebbe vedere almeno una volta nella vita – ci si rilassa in questa oasi di pace e silenzio. Dove la natura è padrona incontrastata. Ma il più grande parco nazionale del Paese, con una superficie complessiva di oltre 21mila chilometri quadrati, è quello dello Tsavo. Diviso in Orientale e Occidentale, è tagliato a metà dalla strada che va da Nairobi a Mombasa (e dalla ferrovia, parte della Uganda Railway, costruita dagli inglesi alla fine del XIX secolo. La meraviglia di questo enorme parco è data dai diversi tipi di habitat. Tsavo ovest è più montuoso e umido, con pianure alluvionali e un lago, il Jipe. Ma è a Tsavo est, con l’altopiano di Yatta, quello con la fauna più variegata: con i suoi 190 chilometri di lunghezza è la più grande superficie lavica del mondo e grazie alla sua eccezionale biodiversità è considerato una delle riserve naturali più preziose del mondo. Gli ultimi giorni ci si abbandona nel lento tepore di Malindi, tra spiagge di fine sabbia bianca e un mare dalle molteplici sfumature regalate della barriera corallina. Apprezzata dai bon vivant, la vita qui trascorre piacevole tra una sosta al caffè Karen Blixen, una passeggiata tra i mercatini dove acquistare maschere, oggetti in legno e monili, e infine ci si ritrova sulla spiaggia. Al Rosada Beach, per un pranzo a base di calamari e gamberi. Chiudete gli occhi, immaginatevi di nuovo su quella sdraio in mezzo alla savana, il senso di pace e armonia che avete provato: l’Africa vi sarà entrata nel cuore. In apertura il tramonto africano da una delle tende del Cottar’s Camp 1920; nella pagina accanto dall’alto l’elegante Joy’s Camp; la riserva del Masai Mara; una delle lussuose tende del Cottar’s Camp 1920. Sopra legno intarsiato e vista sull’Oceano al The Majlis Resort; sotto le spiagge bianche di Malindi.
The Majlis Is One Of The Best Hotels In Kenya
The Majlis is a beautiful and elegantly built boutique hotel in Kenya which is considered to be the best place to share some special moments with your loved ones. Majlis is an Arabic word which refers to a beautiful place reserved especially for entertaining honored guests. The Majlis is a private African home-away-from-home which was officially opened in 2009. It is the most appropriate destination if you are seeking some quality time with your friends and family. The villas are built from local bleached-white coral blocks. The exterior of the hotel is a fusion of Italian style and Swahili culture. The villas stand elegantly on the golden sands at the tip of the Lamu archipelago. The interiors of the resort are decorated with intricate woodworks, hand-made furniture, luscious rugs, Swahili niches and an eclectic collection of sculptures, art and carvings. Local dhow sails which have been faded by the sun and strong winds hang on flawlessly white walls of the central lobby of the resort. In addition, work of a myriad of Swahili craftsmen, local and internationally recognized artists is also displayed on the bone-white walls of the central drawing room. The Majlis is one of the best hotels in Kenya which provide an entirely new and unique accommodation option. It has an open-air restaurant with a rooftop bar which has been constructed in the traditional Swahili style. The main villa of the resort has a reception room and another eclectic Indian-styled pavilion on the beach for receiving honored guests. The resort has been built with a lot of care and it is an epitome of a building finished in beauty. The resort has twenty five beautifully appointed Deluxe rooms, Royal and Junior suites which have been segregated into three villas. Each villa has a private veranda which offers panoramic sea views. The rooms of Majlis are one of the best among the hotels of Kenya. The rooms of the hotel are quite spacious and are decorated with traditionally high beamed ceilings and sufficiently large windows. For more details about the Majlis resort or Lamu Island, please logon to
The Majlis Resort – An Ideal Beach Hotel For Personalized Family Holidays In Kenya
The Majlis Resort was never intended to be a hotel, but built as a family retreat away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. It was officially opened for travelers in October 2009 and since then it has emerged as one of the most luxurious beach hotels on Lamu Island, offering first-class accommodation and amenities. Comprising 25 well-furnished, spacious air-conditioned rooms, the hotel is strategically located on Manda Island and offers spectacular views of the blue Indian Ocean. Every villa is located among the indigenous trees and plants and especially designed to provide guests with the most relaxing environment on their family holidays in Kenya. The suites in the Majlis beach resort Kenya contain a large bedroom area, with a king-size bed draped with quality linen bedding and roll-down netting, a private veranda, a generous en-suite bathroom, a safe, and electronic fans. The rooms are air-conditioned, ensuring a peaceful night after the day’s hectic schedule. The en-suite bathrooms have a cold and hot water shower, along with a ‘baraza’ seating area covered in cushions. Moreover, the beach hotel has a gourmet restaurant that offers the finest dining experience in the Lamu Island, featuring the highest quality local produce and fresh seasonal ingredients. The pool and terrace bars offer the widest selection of alcoholic beverages including fruit juices, cocktails, spirits, champagnes, wines and beers. Whether you are looking for a place to meet with friends in Lamu Island or just want to relax during the day, these bars the best options available. To ensure you get maximum enjoyment on your family holidays in Kenya, the Majlis hotel offers a variety of activities such as boat & mainland safaris, Indian ocean boat excursions, cultural excursions, fishing, water sports, snorkeling & diving, and scenic flights. The hotels’ sports coordinator and guest relations staff will provide you with complete assistance and help you organize tailor-made family holidays in Kenya. For the convenience of travelers, The Majlis Resort offers the facility of online reservation. So book your luxury accommodation today and get ready to experience the serenity of tropical Lamu Island. For more information, feel free to visit
The Majlis Resort – One of the Leading Beach Hotels in Kenya
Located on Ras Kitau Bay, Manda Island, The Majlis Resort is a perfect destination for personalized beach holidays that may include a wedding, a corporate meeting or any special event. The hotel provides tailored services to meet guests’ personal needs and luxury Lamu Island accommodation requirements. For a complete holiday experience, the beach hotel in Kenya offers a wide variety of activities to enjoy, including Indian ocean boat excursions, fishing, boat & mainland safaris, water sports & snorkeling, cultural excursions and scenic flights. Based on the tides, The Majlis Resort can arrange exciting half-day trips around Lamu Island, from the sea or by following channel between the mainland and Lamu Island. The speedboat stops on the beach of Kizingo point and on the way back, you can also visit the Matondoni or Kipungani villages. These trips are usually organized by speed boat, though you can also choose dhow sailing boats. In addition to Lamu Island, you can go on Indian Ocean boat excursions to Manda Island, and Kiwayu Island – a small island known for its tidal pools and snorkeling/diving pools. If you want to capture some of most extraordinary moments during your Indian Ocean holidays, go on tailor-made boat & mainland safaris organized by one of the most luxurious beach hotels in Kenya, the Majlis Resort. The strategic location of the hotel allows you to enjoy the best of Kenya’s beach & bush without having to travel too far during the holidays. The beach hotel offers a half-day safari to Lake Kenyatta and nearby wildlife area, with a guide from Wildlife Service of Kenya. Lake Kenyatta is an area of indigenous bush, rich in wildlife, including topi, zebra, waterbuck, elephant, warthog and hippo. Apart from that, you can also go on excursions to Tana River delta by boat and have the exhilarating experience of seeing the area’s inhabitants like crocodile, lion, elephant and more than 800 hippos. If you are a first-time traveler to Kenya, you can ask the hotel’s staff for guidance and tips to make your trip more memorable. For more information regarding one of the best beach hotels in Kenya, the Majlis Resort, feel free to browse through
The Majlis Resort – The Best Place To Enjoy Exotic Indian Ocean Holidays
Located in a spectacular setting surrounded by an abundance of natural beauty, the Majlis Resort offers a perfect blend of luxury and convenience to its visitors. It provides a secluded and private ambiance to guests and is regarded for its world-class services and facilities. Started in October 2009, the Majlis is a very popular beach hotel in Kenya among travelers owing to its unrivaled architecture and delicious cuisine that includes Italian, Swahili and International dishes. It has the best bars in Kenya: the pool bar is located inside the hotel building, whereas terrace bar is on the first floor of restaurant. Both bars offer amazing views of Manda Island and the Ras Kitau bay. An ideal place to enjoy Indian Ocean holidays, the Majlis Resort offers a wide range of holiday packages for different occasions, such as wedding, honeymoon, marriage vows renewal, corporate events or other special events. The hotel arranges weddings on the beach or stunning mangrove pontoon and can also organize for welcome singing and dancing by 10-15 maasai, special cake, flower arrangements and a professional photographer. Moreover, the beach resort can also meet any banqueting requirements. Whether it is your honeymoon, wedding or marriage vows renewal event, the Majlis Resort can assist you with all these arrangements and help you celebrate the day in style, making your holidays truly memorable. Known as one of the best hotels in Kenya, the Majlis Resort is also a great venue for organizing corporate meetings and events, such as conferences, conventions, exhibitions, banquets, retreats and receptions. The hotel offers all the modern facilities such as an LCD projector, magnetic board with flip chart, DVD and television. With 25 well-furnished, air-conditioned rooms, the resort can host meetings of up to 60 people. In addition to this, the Majlis Resort can also arrange exciting excursions for groups, such as Lamu Town cultural visits, beach dinners and sunset dhow cruises. Various team building activities are also on offer, such as fishing, watersports (like kayaking, windsurfing and water-skiing), mountain biking, snorkeling trips and soccer with local team. For more information about Indian Ocean holidays at the Majlis Resort, please browse through
Honoured as a Highly Rated Resort as Reviewed by Travellers on the World’s Largest Travel Site Lamu, Kenya – 23 May 2012 – The Majlis hotel today announced that it has received a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence award. The accolade, which honours hospitality excellence, is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding traveller reviews on TripAdvisor, and is extended to qualifying businesses worldwide. Approximately 10 percent of accommodations listed on TripAdvisor receive this prestigious award. To qualify for the Certificate of Excellence, businesses must maintain an overall rating of four or higher, out of a possible five, as reviewed by travellers on TripAdvisor. Additional criteria include the volume of reviews received within the last 12 months. The Majlis is pleased to receive a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence,” said Mr Stefano Moccia, Managing Director.“ We strive to offer our customers a memorable experience, and this accolade is evidence that our hard work is translating into positive traveller reviews on TripAdvisor.” “TripAdvisor is pleased to honor exceptional businesses for consistent excellence, as reviewed by travellers on the site,” said Christine Petersen, president of TripAdvisor for Business. “The Certificate of Excellence award gives highly rated establishments around the world the recognition they deserve. From exceptional accommodations in Beijing to remarkable restaurants in Boston, we want to applaud these businesses for offering TripAdvisor travellers a great customer experience.” About The Majlis Resort Idyllic, luxurious, stylish, unique, …the Majlis resort is a privately owned luxury beach hotel on the north coast of Kenya in the Indian Ocean. Designed and built to reflect Lamu’s heritage tradition, The Majlis combines 25 superbly appointed luxury air-conditioned suites built with Western comforts and local tradition. State-of-the-art facilities include two bars, a gourmet restaurant, two swimming pools and an activity center which graciously co-ordinates a wide variety of full day experiences such as boat excursions, boat & mainland safaris, fishing, snorkeling and water sports, cultural excursions and scenic flights. For more details about the Majlis resort or Lamu Island, please visit our website at About TripAdvisor TripAdvisor® is the world’s largest travel site, enabling travelers to plan and have the perfect trip. TripAdvisor offers trusted advice from real travelers and a wide variety of travel choices and planning features with seamless links to booking tools. TripAdvisor-branded sites make up the largest travel community in the world, with more than 50 million unique monthly visitors*, and over 60 million reviews and opinions. The sites operate in 30 countries worldwide, including China.
The Majlis Resort- A Privately-Owned Indian Ocean Beach Resort
A perfect blend of traditional and contemporary styles, the Majlis Resort occupies a unique location and is recognized as one of the best beach resorts in Kenya. With luxurious accommodation and amenities, the privately-owned Indian Ocean beach resort strives to help guests enjoy their holidays in Kenya. It can organize wedding or marriage vows renewal events in Lamu Island, with a spectacular beach as backdrop. Being the best beach hotel in Kenya, the Majlis Resort can help you make your big day extra special. It provides flexible services to meet your specific requirements and ensures that you celebrate in style. The Majlis Resort can also arrange for a welcome dancing and singing by the 10 to 15 maasai, a special cake, professional photographer and beautiful flower arrangements. All the wedding ceremonies organized by the Majlis hotel are overseen by the Local District Officer. Aside from honeymoon and weddings, the Indian Ocean beach resort also offers a perfect venue for corporate meetings and special events. It can host conferences, seminars, exhibitions, conventions, banquets, retreats and receptions. The conference room is equipped with all modern facilities such as LCD projector, television and DVD and a magnetic board with flip chart. For groups, the hotel arranges various excursions such as sunset dhow cruises, beach dinners and Lamu Town cultural visits. The Majlis Resort offers a range of team building activities such as mountain biking, snorkeling trips, fishing, watersports (like water-skiing, kayaking and windsurfing), soccer with local team, and gym and fitness facilities. Aside from that, the hotel provides various special offers, including free-night offer and honeymoon offers for its guests at the best prices. Known for its outstanding guest service, this Indian Ocean beach resort has become the hotel of choice for most travelers visiting Lamu Island. It has dedicated staff comprising friendly individuals who pay attention to every little detail to make your stay in the stunning beach hotel as comfortable as possible. They can also offer valuable traveling tips so that you can enjoy your holidays the way you wish to. For more details regarding the Indian Ocean beach resort, don’t hesitate to visit
The Majlis Beach Hotel In Kenya Provides The Perfect Getaway
A vacation that involves sparkling waters and sun-drenched beaches is usually at the top of most individuals’ summer’s wish list. Situated on the beachfront, the Majlis Resort is one of the leading beach hotels in Kenya and offers a comfortable accommodation. Whether you are looking for quiet period of relaxation or a romantic getaway, the Majlis resort is an ideal destination. It offers a special playroom and outdoor playground on beach to keep children engaged with different entertainment facilities. The kids’ area is safe and efficiently supervised by experienced nannies. The Majlis beach hotel in Kenya offers a range of options for families with children, and can also add extra beds and baby cots upon request. The restaurant chefs are friendly and available to meet your special requests. They can prepare nutritious meals that are tasty and fun for kids. The beach resort offers a variety of beach games and ocean activities such as sand castle building, water games and kayaking for children. Its jungle gym provides all guests, old and young, an opportunity to tone their muscles in a tranquil environment. For active people, the hotel also offers jogging on the Manda beaches and exciting cycling excursions around Manda Island. The villas in this spectacular beach hotel in Kenya are well-decorated, and each has a separate seating room with antique Swahili furniture, white couches, and African sculptures and paintings. Two of the villas have pools in front, making you feel as though you are living in an ultra-luxurious private beach house. The rooms are large with spacious en-suite bathroom, and Royal Suite provides magnificent views of the Indian Ocean. The beach hotel is also an ideal place for your honeymoon, wedding and marriage vows renewal. It offers tailored services to cater to the guests’ exact requirements and strives to make their day truly memorable. Originally built as a winter vacation home for an Italian family, the Majlis Resort is quickly gaining popularity as Kenya’s most intimate and luxurious beach hotel. If you want to learn more about the services and amenities offered by this beach hotel in Kenya, feel free to browse through